2014 OK-INBRE Summer Program for Science Majors
If you are a science major who will have completed at least four semesters of core science classes by summer 2014, and are interested in earning $5000 while gaining 9 weeks of biomedical research experience, you are eligible to apply for an OK-INBRE 2014 Summer Internship. In addition to contributing to scientific research, the program is designed to give you a chance to see if you might want to choose to pursue research or a biomedical PhD as part of your future career.
If you are interested, please read the attached document for more information , and email or mail the application and required supporting information to the addresses indicated. Applications must be post-marked (preferably e-mailed) by THIS Friday (January 31, 2014). You should also ask the registrar’s office to mail a copy of your transcript to the indicated address, and ask two faculty members to send letter of reference.